انا جدا قنوع كلمات. قنوع Lyrics

I don't care about superficiality things Choir: What do you want? please You are to me more precious than diamonds You are the most beautiful fate


كلمات اغنية قنوع
مابي شي انا جدا قنوع كلمات
and i want no one but you You are full of feelings i can't even try Maybe if i came to the end of my life
honest in your love Full of yearning I'm so sober I just want you

you can argue this with me.

كلمات مابي شي انا جدا قنوع
كلمات مابي شي انا جدا قنوع
I'm so sober I just want you
كلمات اغنية جدا قنوع , عبد المجيد عبد الله و اغنيته العظيمه
I'm so sober I just want you
please I swear to God


مابي شي انا جدا قنوع
and my heart became well You want me to forget you? You made me happy You came and brought me to life
مابي شي انا جدا قنوع كلمات
I don't want the most expensive jewelry I don't want palaces nor antiques
مابي شي انا جدا قنوع
in an era where true lovers are rare Choir: What do you want? please I don't want money and luxury