كلمات شكر لصديق. تعزية بالانجليزية مترجمة

What a lovely person, who will be deeply missed Thinking of you and your family
Sincere condolences to the families grieving the immeasurable loss they suffered We are with our minds and soul along with those who were privileged to know them

I wish you peace and comfort as you grieve.

كلام لصديق عزيز
I was so sorry to hear of your loss
تعزية بالانجليزية مترجمة
What a beautiful life he lived
اولتراس سخنين يحيي الذكرى الأولى لرحيل المشجع صبحي
In such moments the words would be superfluous
Our souls are hardened of pain on hearing of the premature and unfair disappearance of those who were our mentors and colleagues There are no words for such an unimaginable loss
He will be missed by so many I wish I could be there to comfort you as you grieve

My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

اولتراس سخنين يحيي الذكرى الأولى لرحيل المشجع صبحي
Please accept our deepest condolences for your loss
كلام لصديق عزيز
My heart aches to hear this news
اولتراس سخنين يحيي الذكرى الأولى لرحيل المشجع صبحي
Please know that your friends love you and are here for you
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief
Remembering your great love story today and always Our siblings carry a piece of our hearts in theirs

We pray that the Good Lord to caress the souls of those left desolated after the tragic disappearance.

المحامي وصديق الشهيد كيوان: إدعاءات الشرطة كاذبة
My heart goes out to you and to everyone who loved you
المحامي وصديق الشهيد كيوان: إدعاءات الشرطة كاذبة
We knew, appreciated and admired They will remain forever in our memory Sincere condolences
رسالة شكر وتقدير لمدير الشركة
A prayer, a flower, a candle and sad tears of pain on your grave, our dear mother