صورة الحديد. سورة الحديد مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل

" Economic and Industrial Democracy 35 New York:Cambridge University Press, p
"The NUBASE Evaluation of Nuclear and Decay Properties" , 28 2008 , pp

"Recovery of Co, Ni, and Cu from the tailings of Divrigi Iron Ore Concentrator".

تدبر سورة الحديد
Robert Hartwell, 'Markets, Technology and the Structure of Enterprise in the Development of the Eleventh Century Chinese Iron and Steel Industry' Journal of Economic History 26 1966
خام الحديد
Jonsson, Erik; Troll, Valentin R
القرآن الكريم/سورة الحديد
"Exploitation of iron ore tailing for the development of ceramic tiles"
Van Der Merwe, 'Radiocarbon Chronology of the Iron Age in Sub-Saharan Africa' Current Anthropology 1968 ; Kumar, Sanjay; Ramachandrarao, P
The recovery of iron from iron ore tailings using magnetic separation after magnetizing roasting" Qazi, Shabir Ahmad; Qazi, Navaid Shabir 1 January 2008

Bradon Ellem, "A battle between titans? Van Der Merwe, 'Early Metal Working in Sub Saharan Africa' Journal of African History 35 1994 1-36; Minze Stuiver and N.

فضل سورة الحديد ومقاصدها
"An ancient wind powered iron smelting technology in Sri Lanka"
القرآن الكريم/سورة الحديد
"Chemical aspects of siderophore mediated iron transport"
خام الحديد
The Journal of biological chemistry
So We gave the ones who believed among them their reward, but many of them are defiantly disobedient And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy and monasticism, which they innovated; We did not prescribe it for them except [that they did so] seeking the approval of Allah
Donald Eberlein, 1973 "Iron," in United States Mineral Resources, US Geological Survey, Professional Paper 820, p But to all Allah has promised the best [reward]

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review.

The surah closes with a reference to the People of the Book
فضل سورة الحديد ومقاصدها
[Transliteration] Summa qaffainaa 'alaa aasaarihim bi Rusulinaa wa qaffainaa be 'Eesab ni Maryama wa aatainaahul Injeela wa ja'alnaa fee quloobil lazeenat taba' oohu raafatanw wa rahmatanw wa rahbaaniyyatanib tada' oohaa maa katanaahaa 'alaihim illab tighaaa'a ridwaanil laahi famaa ra'awhaa haqqa ri'aayatihaa fa aatainal lazeena aamanoo minhum ajrahum wa kaseerum minhum faasiqoon
سورة الحديد
"Effect of temperature on magnetizing reduction of agbaja iron ore"