איקיה. IKEA effect

The women's later appraisal of the group's value was proportional to the effort that had been demanded of them before being allowed into the group Both groups then took part in bidding over these objects
For example, "people may see the improvements they have made to their homes—such as the brick walkways they laid by hand—as increasing the value of the house far more than buyers, who see only a shoddily-built walkway Conclusions by Norton et al

The effect is also related to the "" syndrome, where managers disregard good ideas developed elsewhere, in favor of possibly inferior internally developed ideas.

IKEA Canton, MI
They'll pay more for it
IKEA Hackers
It consisted of one set of origami they had built themselves and one set that had been built by experts
IKEA Hackers
They then asked the subjects how much they were willing to pay for their own work
הקטלוג השנה כולל טיפים לעיצוב הבית וכן דוגמאות לשישה בתים: בית מינימליסטי , בית , דירה שכורה של בני זוג , בית של , דירת סטודיו ובית המשמש In addition, the researchers pointed out the popularity of "haycations," whereby city people pay to do farmers' work for them
The name refers to manufacturer and furniture retailer , which sells many A 1959 study by Aronson and Mills that has been described as a "classic" produced results that seem to reflect either the IKEA effect or a closely related phenomenon

Norton and his colleagues noted that, while not yet named or scientifically established, it had been recognized by marketers for a long time.

IKEA Canton, MI
Whenever you can, let them customize the products and services you offer to fit their needs
קטלוג איקאה 2021: כל החידושים
The results showed that the subjects were willing to pay 63% more for the former than for the latter
IKEA effect
They perceived the origami they had created as being of equal quality to those created by professionals