ماهي متلازمة توريت. ماهي أعراض متلازمة توريت وهل له علاج ؟

"Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders" Pauls DL, Towbin KE, Leckman JF, et al
American Journal of Medical Genetics Retrieved from May 11, 2008 archive

"Recent advances in Tourette syndrome".

ماهي متلازمة توريت وطرق علاجها
Peterson B, Riddle MA, et al
مشاهير مصابين بمتلازمة توريت
Retrieved on May 14, 2007
متلازمة ريت
Pauls DL, Towbin KE, Leckman JF, et al
Retrieved on November 25, 2006 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Leckman JF, Dolnansky ES, Hardin MT, et al Retrieved on January 14, 2012

1992 Dec 19—26;305 6868 :1563—7.

متلازمة توريت: الأسباب، الأعراض والعلاج
"Treatment of co-morbid obsessive compulsive disorder, mood, and anxiety disorders"
متلازمة توريت الأعراض، الأسباب، طرق العلاج
"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: the childhood co-morbidity that most influences the disability burden in Tourette syndrome"
متلازمة توريت تهدد حياتي الاجتماعية والزوجية.. فما الأدوية والإرشادات التي تنصح بها
Medical Letter: 2004 Retrospective Summary of TS Literature
, Tourette's Syndrome—Tics, Obsessions, Compulsions: Developmental Psychopathology and Clinical Care "The individuals with TS who do the best, we believe, are: those who have been able to feel relatively good about themselves and remain close to their families; those who have the capacity for humor and for friendship; those who are less burdened by troubles with attention and behavior, particularly aggression; and those who have not had development derailed by medication
"Premonitory sensory phenomenon in Tourette's syndrome" Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Hwang GC, Tillberg CS, Scahill L.

متلازمة توريت
"Seignot's paper on the treatment of Tourette's syndrome with haloperidol
متلازمة ريت
Retrieved on August 10, 2009
أسباب ونشأة متلازمة توريت
"Tourette's syndrome: from behaviour to biology"