كلمات اغنية اشتقت لك اصاله. كلمات اغنية يعني لازم اصيل ابوبكر

2017-06-27T17:32:21Z Comment by Roaa zinah 2016-01-21T11:01:56Z Comment by User 518570434
but now iam cures cuz i hurt u and let u stray

A girl in the picture.

اغنية اشتقت لك
كلمات اغنية اشتقت لك
great woman u deserve to be first
اشتاق لك كلمات, اشتاق لك وان جيت زاد اشتياقي
2015-11-13T15:54:26Z Comment by ayman alkean
but didn't know the worth
but then u reverse the pain and hurt me in the worst way Once upon a time memories are thoughtful I didn't forget it People I loved from my heart People I hated by God People who died live in me People living dead forgotten On the wad people I tried to get close to people Grow up we gave them to G Las I ran the cycle Switched

i was the luckiest man on earth.

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كلمات اغنية اشتقت لك اصالة 2020
كلمات اغنية اشتقت لك تحت المطر اصالة كاملة ومكتوبة
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