اقول لها وقد طارت شعاعا. سير أعلام النبلاء/قطري بن الفجاءة

Abstract This study was concerned with the definition of Khawarij, and the beginning of the emergence of this group, and the most important Kharij teams, and then dealt with the definition of Qatar ibn al-Fajja, one of the greatest princes and poets Kharij, and study of literary production of poetry and prose commenting and analysis, and the most important poetic purpose presented to a Qatari in his Poetry, And the most important speeches and messages delivered in the midst of the events he lived, and the disclosure of his literary style in the portrayal of the wars fought against the Umayyads, which lasted more than twenty years, and against the betrayal that was exposed to him by some of his companions from the Kharij


قطري بن الفجاءة : أقولُ لها وَقَد طارَت شَعاعاً لــ الكاتب / كريم مرزة الأسدي
من هو الشاعر قطري بن الفجاءة
قصة قصيدة


📃 قطري بن الفجاءة: أَقولُ لَها وَقَد طارَت شَعاعاً
في الحماسة