اعمال تطوعية. أفكار أعمال تطوعية

that Benefit from volunteer work to raise experience Practical and professional • To commit With the agreements and partnerships that it makes the organization
that Be supportive of all efforts aimed at Enhancing efficiency, effectiveness and achievement of excellence In managing the organization in the field of volunteer work Personal Positive : Personal Positivity is the generous, proactive personality That supports and contributes without waiting for anything, and it is A balanced personality, balanced between rights Duties and possess seriousness, and objectivity And perseverance

2- Due To the program coordinator or the authority on the In the event of problems or challenges.

9 أماكن للتطوع في وقت فراغك
• To commit Complete controls, regulations and policies Approved by the organization
وقف سفراء التطوع
Value And ethics : Must be That successful business is linked with an ethical reference Derived from our true religion and the values of our society Saudi, and from the vision of the Kingdom 2030 Including Reflects on the volunteer's behavior and leads him to Achieving the purpose of voluntary participation
9 أماكن للتطوع في وقت فراغك
And for this It is expected of a volunteer :• Through the volunteer work platform, you can volunteer, in the place, time, and field that suits your experiences and skills
• Non Disclosure of information about the beneficiaries of the work Volunteer that It seeks to identify social patterns And the behavioral behavior of the beneficiaries of volunteer work, With the aim of improving his dealings with them and understanding them properly Best
• Non Use of the organization's resources for purposes and benefits Personalized, in any way • Purpose Of The Guide : Aim to This charter is to clarify the controls Commitments, values and principles that It contributes to achieving the goals of the Kingdom's vision 2030 to reach To one million volunteers Locate Requirements pertaining to For volunteers And their duties, and their rights are preserved during Doing voluntary work

that Adherence to the ethical code facilitates It helps all parties involved in the work Volunteer to perform their duties with quality and efficiency High.

أفكار مشاريع تطوعية ناجحة
أفكار للعمل التطوعي
equality in dealing : Must That the equality of treatment be reflected in the performance The volunteer is on a clear and impartial basis far from All kinds of prejudice and racism
هل تريد أفكار للعمل التطوعي؟ إليك 3 من أفضلها
• that Be aware and know the reference of inquiries About the policies and procedures in the organization