متى احتلت فلسطين. احتلال فلسطين

London: Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society• Sepp,Dr: Jerusalem und das Heilige Land, 2Bde, Schaffhausen 1863• Institute for Middle East Understanding Cleveland, A History of the Modern Middle East, Westview Press 2004
UNESCO World Heritage Centre 2008-07-08 Gatrella; Noga Collins-Kreinerb September 2006

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, p.

احتلال فلسطين
A History of the Crusades:The First Crusade and the Foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem
حكم عن فلسطين
Hai, Yigal January 15, 2008
حكم عن فلسطين
"The PLO and the Palestinian Identity of East Jerusalem"
Ehrlich "Philistines" The Oxford Guide to People and Places of the Bible The Modern History of Jordan
The Politics of Jerusalem Since 1967 the city that was to become the administrative capital of Mandate Palestine

Lappin, Yaakov 14 November 2012.

متى احتلت فلسطين من طرف إسرائيل
On the site of MidEastWeb for Coexistence R
فلسطين المحتلة
Cleveland, A History of the Modern Middle East, Westview Press 2004
متى احتلت اسرائيل فلسطين
122:'the first great Islamic architectural achievement
Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions Tom Segev: Palestine, Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate 2001• Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics May 2010; p
Finn, James : Stirring Times; Records from Jerusalem Consular Chronicles of 1853to 1856,2 Bds, London 1878• Retrieved August 29, 2007, from Jerusalem: The torn city, Jerusalem, 1976, p33

"New Light on the History of Jaffa".

متى احتلت اسرائيل فلسطين
القضية الفلسطينية
Lev, David 25 October 2010
متى احتلت فلسطين من طرف إسرائيل؟ جاء على مرحلتين
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