لي بيرل. الهجوم على پيرل هاربر

Contains a brief but insightful chapter on the particular intelligence failures, and broader overview of what causes them Gilbert, Martin 2009 , , Phoenix, ISBN 9780753826768 ,• New York: Oxford University Press
Daniel Madsen, Resurrection-Salvaging the Battle Fleet at Pearl Harbor Parillo, Mark 2006 , , in Higham, Robin; Harris, Stephen, , The University Press of Kentucky, ISBN 9780813123745 ,• John Toland, Infamy: Pearl Harbor and Its Aftermath Berkley Reissue edition, 1986 ISBN 0-425-09040-X

Navy been warned of the attack and put to sea, it would have likely resulted in an even greater disaster.

الهجوم على بيرل هاربر
Dillon, is considered the authoritative work on the subject
LePearl Fashions
Prange, Gordon William; Goldstein, Donald M
الهجوم على بيرل هاربر
A study of Japanese wartime media representations of the submarine component of the attack on Pearl Harbor
, Final Secret of Pearl Harbor Devin-Adair Pub, 1954 ISBN 0-8159-5503-0 ISBN 0-317-65928-6 Foreword by Fleet Admiral• John Hughes-Wilson, Military Intelligence Blunders and Cover-Ups Highly readable and thoroughly researched account of the aftermath of the attack and the salvage efforts from December 8, 1941 through early 1944
Hakim, Joy 1995 , A History of Us: War, Peace and all that Jazz, New York: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-509514-6• : United States Government Printing Office, 1943 , , retrieved on 2007-12-08• "Literary Tropes, Rhetorical Looping, and the NIne Gods of War: 'Fascist Proclivities' Made Real," in The Culture of Japanese Fascism, ed , US Navy Report of Japanese Raid on Pearl Harbor, United States National Archives, Modern Military Branch, 1942 , , retrieved on 2007-12-25• Clausen and Bruce Lee, Pearl Harbor: Final Judgment, HarperCollins, 2001 , an account of the secret "" undertaken late in the war by order of Congress to Secretary of War

Gannon, Pearl Harbor Betrayed Henry Holt, 2001 is a recent examination of the issues surrounding the surprise of the attack.

الضربة السورية لهذه الاسباب وركبتا اوباما تصطكان خوفا من النتائج!
Regarded by many as the most important work in the attempt to understand the intelligence failure at Pearl Harbor
لحرب لعالمية التانية
: Center of Military History United States Army ,• Previously announced as Sinking of the SS Automedon and the Role of the Japanese Navy: A New Interpretation
بيرل دي روا التجمع الخامس
New York: Oxford University Press