شباب حرب. مناسبة للتذكر والمصالحة إجلالا لذكرى ضحايا الحرب العالمية الثانية

Dawes Chicago banker, former Director of the Bureau of the Budget, and future Vice President , the committee presented its proposal in April 1924 mixed historical facts with personal issues he would die if he didn't show it to the public, but i had great benefit from it
I really liked his analytical style and the amount of facts in this book I am not a specialist to know what is a military secret and what is not in this book, but the rhetoric of the writer is quite plausible

PS: don't act like a military expert after reading it, it's a mere scratch of military science.

مذكرات حرب أكتوبر by سعد الدين الشاذلي
Loans to Allied Powers Meanwhile, a second wartime financial issue was causing tension among the former co-belligerents
Milestones: 1921
70,000 -- AD60 - ad61• American Anthropologist , New Series, Vol
أحلام الشباب في الزعتري: قصص بعد الحرب السورية
Thank you for writing this book ElShazly's book is a refreshingly objective take on the 73 war, what Egypt did right and wrong
You can learn about the fatal mistakes that Sadat did, and still admire him compared to the other leaders who ruled Egypt 580,000 -- 132 - 135CE• The October war significantly changed the course of history in the region leading to the downfall of relations between Egypt and Arab states in the 80s and the shift in relations from the Soviet Union to the US and end of hostilities between Egypt and Israel
No deep stuff, but sufficient for the purpose of the book The book is a very good source of information about the 6th of October war between the Arab countries and Israel

This book is a real winner.

Hank Ellison August 24, 2007
أحلام الشباب في الزعتري: قصص بعد الحرب السورية
ElShazly's book is a refreshingly objective take on the 73 war, what Egypt did right and wrong
The Young Plan also had a more lasting effect: the Bank for International Settlements, or BIS, continues to operate to this day as a forum for central bank consultation and cooperation
580,000 -- 132 - 135CE• But there are sometimes too much military details that can easily get you lost Unable to agree upon the amount that Germany should pay at the in 1919, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the other Allies established a Reparation Commission to settle the question
Instead, they met a government-backed campaign of passive resistance efforts that had lasting consequences

-sponsored Dawes and Young Plans offered a possible solution to these challenges.

أحلام الشباب في الزعتري: قصص بعد الحرب السورية
It has a fair amount of military science intro
أحلام الشباب في الزعتري: قصص بعد الحرب السورية
Moreover, at times it felt like a great novel given the drama unfolding between ElShazly and his bosses--including Sadat
The book is nice to get a peek on what happened during the war of 1973 to free Sinai