المركز الدولي للسكر. «الإفريقي لصحة المرأة» يحتفل باليوم العالمي للسكر في الإسكندرية (صور)

SIU Investigators operate high-grade encryption Advised to use a VPN to mask ISP
Our Story When the ICSS was established in early 2010, it was driven by a vision of what sport could be — a unifying, positive and inspiring force for good, free from corruption and played in stadiums and arenas that are safe for all The need for an independent and non-profit centre focused on safeguarding sport is more crucial now than ever

Use a password protected device.

Employees, athletes, betting monitoring companies and even fans, are usually the first to know when something is going seriously wrong in a sporting competition and within the sports business environment
Your report will automatically generate a confidential case file and alert SIU management
The Hotline confidentially receives and manages allegations of misconduct, abuse and any type of integrity violation in sport on an international level
Sports has been a worldwide entertainment, recreation, economic stimulus, youth development, all these things that are so critical to the wellbeing of any city, any country and certainly the wellbeing of the world and ICSS has committed to that idea, that concept, that through sports that we can accomplish so much Sport Integrity Hotline The Sport Integrity Hotline was developed by the ICSS to provide an independent, safe and secure whistleblowing platform dedicated to reporting misconduct in sport
We look forward to our collaboration We believe that the protection of sport is a shared responsibility — one that we can all contribute to and play an active role in

Any person or entity who has knowledge of, has witnessed or has reasonable grounds to suspect that an alleged crime and or misconduct has occurred in international sport.

مركز دسمان لأبحاث وعلاج أمراض السكر
You can make the difference by completing an online report now! Sport has the unique ability to inspire young and old
الجمعية السعودية للسكر والغدد الصماء
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مستشفى المركز الطبي الدولي
An alert is then produced that is suitable for further inquiry and or re-allocation to the appropriate governing jurisdiction