79 8 40742 41547 49 | He tried the spade queen from dummy |
North should be able to reason out that I cannot have a spade honor: after all, there are only 40 points in a deck of cards | Why was it correct to switch to a diamond? Accept the lead and be dummy |
Because if West has the heart ace or the club ace, it would be impossible for declarer to cash nine immediate tricks, while without the diamond ace he is still able to make a lot of tricks with his five-card heart suit.
1545 11 29-00971 41512 42 | Vul All J74 T95 J KQ6532 T2 AK985 AQJ AKQT A JT Dealer West |
Again, the 9 of spades returns to the hand of the defender who led out of turn | I should have concealed the club distribution |
- ' :00-10:00 : 1 800!! 62 7 42498 18045 44.