آية حجازي. آية حجازي

She studied and at in the US and law at in Egypt
They were charged with child abuse She married another Egyptian—American social activist, Mohamed Hassanien

The case took a turning point when Aya's college friend, Chelsea Cowan, successfully lobbied congressmen and senators, bringing attention to her case.

ساره حجازى
Choi, David 3 November 2020
آية حجازي
Two days after their release, U
ما علاقة كلينتون بآية حجازي التي برأتها مصر؟
Aya's case took place in the context of , police corruption, the fabrication of criminal cases, and the abuse of pretrial detention and its use as a political tool to suppress any opposition
Together with her husband she founded an "Belady Foundation" to support child political prisoners in Egypt 2011 Egyptian revolution and Belady [ ] During the , Hijazi returned to her homeland, Egypt, along with her husband, Mohamed Hassanein, to establish a NGO , "Belady" meaning "My Home"
Hijazi initially supported Bernie Sanders for president in the 2020 election [ ] Belady focused on children and youth — one of Belady's main projects was helping street children who would otherwise be unsupported by state or non-state social support institutions

For nearly three years, the seven individuals were imprisoned under charges that included human trafficking, kidnapping, and rape.

ساره حجازى
, BBC, US-Egyptian charity worker Aya Hijazi has been acquitted by a court in Egypt after almost three years in prison
نائب يطالب باستدعاء وزير الخارجية بعد تصريحات ترامب عن آية حجازي
NGOs and public figures from Egypt and around the world pressed for the release of Aya, her husband, and the Belady members
ساره حجازى
Hijazi, Aya 14 March 2020
[ ] Arrest and Imprisonment [ ] On May 1, 2014, police forces raided Belady and arrested Aya, her husband, Mohamed, Sherif Talaat and Amira Farag, also Belady members Post Release [ ] As of 2017 , Aya resides in , where she works on expanding Belady and "saving the dreams of the most vulnerable children", by working towards the release of child political prisoners in Egypt
Three months later, the police arrested Ibrahim Abd Rabbo, Karim Magdy and Mohamed al-Sayed, who had been trying to film video testimony with several children who had earlier been interviewed by the prosecution As a result, made it a highlight in her presidential election campaign and President Trump pressed for the release of Aya and the other defendants

In early November 2020, Hijazi tweeted her support for Joe Biden.

آية حجازي.. شهادة براءة تأخرت 3 أعوام
Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy to President flew with Aya and her husband in a private plane to the United States; President Trump, along with his daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, , welcomed her to the White House and celebrated her release
ما علاقة كلينتون بآية حجازي التي برأتها مصر؟
Childhood and education [ ] Hijazi became interested in social activism during her childhood in the United States US
نشوى الحوفي: آية حجازي والإفراج عنها
Hijazi and Hassanein's intention was that Belady was to become "a symbolic island that unified people from all walks of life, allowing them to work towards the betterment of society"