ايمان رجب. إيمان رجب تحصل على الدكتوراة من أكاديمية ناصر العسكرية العليا

Subjects covered in the 19 papers which go to make up this book include: the causes or drivers of violent extremism; the factors which facilitate the recruitment of youth by violent extremist groups; the risk of growing Islamophobia in some Western and Central European countries; and proactive measures to counter the radicalization of youth The goal of the workshop was to enhance the capacity of policymakers and practitioners to design strategies that will achieve verifiable human-rights based outcomes to counter violent extremism
A thesis proposed to complete the requirements needed for obtaining a doctorate in political science Done By: Eman Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Ragab Senior Researcher, al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies Supervisors: Prof A number of actors are nonetheless working to strengthen state and societal resilience in Egypt


المركز العربي للبحوث والدراسات
The post-Arab Spring context created a window of opportunity for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
إيمان رجب
Accordingly, the article is divided into two sections
المركز العربي للبحوث والدراسات
The recruitment of foreign fighters by extremist organizations, and its potential impact on public safety in the countries from which they come, is also emerging as a complex issue at the forefront of international preoccupations
This book presents the proceedings of the three day NATO Advanced Research Workshop, "Countering Violent Extremism Among Youth to Prevent Terrorism", held in Milan, Italy, in June 2014 This article argues that there are other aspects of that flow that raise other challenges to national and regional security which include leaving or being sent by ISIS to another conflict zone, or leaving to a third country to start anew life

Although violent extremism is not a new phenomenon, it is increasingly recognized as a major.

السياسة الخارجية المصرية والمجتمع الدولي بعد ثورة 30 يونيو 2013
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This article argues that there are other aspects of that flow that raise other challenges to nat
Eman Ragab (Ph.D) د.إيمان رجب
The first section attempts to map the recent flow of foreign terrorists out of Syria, and identifies two destinations for foreign terrorists, other than their home countries, which include moving to a third country, or to another conflict zone A thesis proposed to complete the requirements needed for obtaining a doctorate in political scie
Resilience in the Egyptian context can be defined as a process of reform through which the state


إيمان رجب
The book will be of interest to all those involved in policy development, prevention programs, de-radicalization programs or research aimed at countering violent extremism and the radicalization of young people
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The permanence of the militarisation of their policies is, however, challenged by the type of interventionist state unfolding from these muscular policies, their domestic and regional legitimacy and the institutionalisation of this foreign policy pattern
السياسة الخارجية المصرية والمجتمع الدولي بعد ثورة 30 يونيو 2013