قد أوتيت سؤلك. لمساتٍ قرآنية قال الله تعالى: أوتيت سؤلك

Then by the clear statement there is his deputizing for him during his life and "after the prophethood" which gives evidence of his succession by specification of the exception, of Prophethood when he excludes him from it by mentioning "after" The report of that is well known
Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Allah berfirman "Sesungguhnya telah diperkenankan permintaanmu hai Musa"• His mother was Fatima, daughter of Asad Ibn Hashim Ibn Abd Manaf, may God be pleased with her Then he, peace be on him, died a martyr and met his Lord, Most High, as one who has been wronged

He was the first to compile and codify the Quran 7.

فصل: إعراب الآية رقم (45):
[ 7:142 ] This confirms his succession by the precise statement of revelation
الموسوعةُ القرآنيةُ (فيضُ العليم مِن معاني الذكْر الحكيم) سورةُ (طه) الآية: 36
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 主说:穆萨啊!你所请求的事,已赏赐你了。 The Life of the Commander of the Faithful Ali Ibn Abu Talib as This part gives an account of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, the first of the Imams of the believers, of the rulers wulat of the Muslims and of God's appointed successors in religion after the Apostle of God, the truthful one and the trusted one, Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah, the seal of the Prophets, blessings on him and his pure family
Stream من الأية (قَالَ قَدْ أُوتِيتَ سُؤْلَكَ يَا مُوسَىٰ (36)... لنهاية سورة طه) بصوت الشيخ عبدالله كامل by قرآن ربي
He was grateful for her kindness and she was among the first to believe in him and she emigrated with him in the group of the emigrants
org, IMPORTANT : All content hosted on Al-Islam
In this way he gained two marks of nobility, through his growing up under the care and education of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family For twenty-four years and six months of these he was prevented from administering the laws of the office and had to exercise precautionary dissimulation taqiyya and withdrawal

the Qur'an, tibyan , it was obviously necessary for all of them to obey him, just as obedience to God, the Most High, and obedience to His Apostle, peace be on him and his family, was required because of the information about their authority wilaya over creatures which is given in this verse with clear proof.

The Life of the Commander of the Faithful Ali Ibn Abu Talib (as)
His Shia who were all the Banu Hashim, Salman, Ammar, Abu Dharr, al-Miqdad, Khuzayma Ibn Thabit - the man who is known as the possessor of two testimonies - Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, Jabir Ibn Abd Allah al-Ansari Abu Said al-Khudri and people like them among the important emigrants and Ansar, all these maintained that he was the successor khalifa after the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, and the Imam
They did this because of his outstanding merit fadl above all mankind, through the fact that there were gathered in him the qualities of outstanding merit, judgment and perfection, such as him being the first of the community to enter the faith, his superiority over them in knowledge of the laws, his precedence over them in fighting jihad and the distinction which set him apart from them in the extent of his piety, asceticism and righteousness
الموسوعةُ القرآنيةُ (فيضُ العليم مِن معاني الذكْر الحكيم) سورةُ (طه) الآية: 36
Melayu - Basmeih : Allah berfirman "Sesungguhnya telah diberikan kepadamu apa yang engkau pohonkan itu wahai Musa• and many many more Contributed by Br