مارك زوكربيرغ. مارك زوكربيرغ.. ضمن تسريبات فيسبوك الأخيرة

The goals of the group include , improving the state of education in the United States, and enabling more technological breakthroughs that benefit the public, yet it has also been criticized for financing ads advocating a variety of oil and gas development initiatives, including drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the Keystone XL pipeline
It is considered a "primitive" version of 's , which came out the following year Saverin signed a non-disclosure contract after the settlement

McDevitt, Caitlin March 5, 2010.

مارك زوكربيرغ.. قصة نجاح تستحق القراءة
Steinbock, Anna May 25, 2017
مارك زوكربيرغ Mark Zuckerberg
مارك زوكربيرغ.. قصة نجاح تستحق القراءة
Sven Grundberg January 16, 2014
In a pretty adorable video shared by the tech executive over the weekend, Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan said their daughter Max's Chinese name is Chen Mingyu If you look at how much of our page is taken up with ads compared to the average query
Zuckerberg has refused requests to appear to give evidence on the matter to a committee in the United Kingdom Later that year, Zuckerberg hosted a campaign fundraiser for Newark mayor , who was running in the

Griffin, Andrew December 9, 2015.

من هو مارك زوكربيرج
They had already turned down offers by major corporations to buy the company
من هو مارك زوكربيرج
In 2010, , who wrote the 1984 book , wrote that Zuckerberg "clearly thinks of himself as a "
مارك زوكربيرغ.. قصة نجاح تستحق القراءة
On October 26, 2012, federal authorities arrested Ceglia, charging him with mail and wire fraud and of "tampering with, destroying and fabricating evidence in a scheme to defraud the Facebook founder of billions of dollars
At , Zuckerberg excelled in classes Lee, Seung April 13, 2016
An earlier inspiration for Facebook may have come from , the prep school from which Zuckerberg graduated in 2002 White, Daniel December 9, 2015

Nguyen, Lananh April 12, 2004.

مارك زوكربيرغ يبتكر لزوجته (صورة)
The film's screenwriter told , "I don't want my fidelity to be the truth; I want it to be storytelling", adding, "What is the big deal about accuracy purely for accuracy's sake, and can we not have the true be the enemy of the good? On May 24, 2007, Zuckerberg announced , a development platform for programmers to create social applications within Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg
Gonzales, Sandra December 8, 2010
مارك زوكربيرغ.. ضمن تسريبات فيسبوك الأخيرة
I was thinking about doing this anonymously just so that the two things could be kept separate