ברבי. ברבי (סדרת סרטים)

בובת ברבי באנגלית: Barbie היא בובת אופנה מבית היוצר של חברת הצעצועים האמריקאית "מאטל" In November of the same year, at the age of 29, he was assigned to Lyon as the head of the local Gestapo
He established his headquarters at the in Lyon, where he personally tortured adult and child prisoners דבר זה הוביל ליצירת סרטי ברבי, שהרעיון המקורי שעמד מאחוריהם הוא להציג את ברבי כדמות מה, ומאוחר יותר התרחבו לעולמות שונים של ו

On 19 January 1972, this information was published in the French newspaper , along with a photograph of Altmann which the Klarsfelds obtained from a German expatriate living in Lima, Peru.

Klaus Barbie
While engaged in arms-trade operations in Bolivia, he was appointed to the rank of lieutenant colonel within the
ברבי (סדרת סרטים)
France: La Sofica Uni Etoile 3
Klaus Barbie
Doing so was no different from what other World War II victor nations were doing at the time, and appeared to have been done without any knowledge of Barbie's atrocities in Lyon
In 1914, his father, also named Nikolaus, was conscripted to fight in the Other sources say Barbie most likely also had connections with these organizations
The CIC asserted that Barbie knew too much about the network of German spies the CIC had planted in various European communist organizations, and were suspicious of communist influence within the French government, but their protection of Barbie may have been as much to avoid the embarrassment of having recruited him in the first place Later that year, their father died

As a direct result of that action, Klaus Barbie did not stand trial in France in 1950; he spent 33 years as a free man and a fugitive from justice.

On 1 April, Barbie summoned Van Tongeren's daughter, Charlotte, to SD headquarters and informed her that her father had died of an infection in both ears and had been cremated
Klaus Barbie
Their connections also provided intelligence information to US authorities at the US Embassy
בהתחלה חברת "מאטל" העלתה רעיון של להקטין את של בובת ברבי, על מנת לשפר את תדמיתה