Big fashion ashdod. Big Fashion

We had a blast walking around and looking at all the interesting things After more than 4 decades, hundreds of successfully completed projects in aggregated value of billions of dollars, we have a vast experience in project and construction management
Opening Hours: passover opening hours: 19 In addition, you will find a variety of desserts such as: various ice creams, milkshakes, cakes and coffee

Very nice clean centre, plenty of parking both under ground and above in an open lot.

All our clients will testify that they had full satisfaction and confidence that their projects were managed by professional, trusted and efficient teams
קניון BIG FASHION אשדוד, אשדוד ::
McDonalds is a fast food chain with 185 branches throughout the country
Торговый центр Ашдода Big Fashion
An amazing private birthday party room for birthdays and events! Very nice clean centre, plenty of parking both under ground and above in an open lot
Do yourself a favour and go take a look, you'll love it We had a blast walking around and looking at all the interesting things
4: 09:30-22:00 opening hours: Sunday: 11:00AM — 10:00PM Monday: 11:00AM — 10:00PM Tuesday: 11:00AM — 10:00PM Wednesday: 09:00AM — 10:00PM Thursday: 09:00AM — 10:00PM Friday: 09:00AM — 4:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM — 11:00PM There are plenty of food stalls to cater for your every need and if you need to sit down in a restaurant, you'll be spoilt for choice

Do yourself a favour and go take a look, you'll love it.

The restaurant menu offers a range of burgers in all kinds of flavors and sizes, breakfasts, chicken dishes, tortillas, salads and side dishes according to your choice
Driving directions to BIG FASHION Ashdod, Derech HaRakevet, 1, Ashdod
Opening Hours: passover opening hours: 19
Как доехать до Landwer Cafe
4: 09:30-22:00 opening hours: Sunday: 11:00AM — 10:00PM Monday: 11:00AM — 10:00PM Tuesday: 11:00AM — 10:00PM Wednesday: 09:00AM — 10:00PM Thursday: 09:00AM — 10:00PM Friday: 09:00AM — 4:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM — 11:00PM
McDonalds is a fast food chain with 185 branches throughout the country meters Babylon Park is located in the Big Fashion Center in Ashdod and has a range of wild attractions for the whole family, such as, simulators, ticket redemption arcade games, amusement park rides like bumper cars, a horse carousel, Flying School flying swing ride, a pirate ship ride and a 250 meter Babylon Kids Gymboree area for kids aged 3-7
Babylon Park, Big Fashion Center in Ashdod — occupies a space of 1,000 sq meters Babylon Park is located in the Big Fashion Center in Ashdod and has a range of wild attractions for the whole family, such as, simulators, ticket redemption arcade games, amusement park rides like bumper cars, a horse carousel, Flying School flying swing ride, a pirate ship ride and a 250 meter Babylon Kids Gymboree area for kids aged 3-7

The restaurant menu offers a range of burgers in all kinds of flavors and sizes, breakfasts, chicken dishes, tortillas, salads and side dishes according to your choice.

Торговый центр Ашдода Big Fashion
Babylon Park, Big Fashion Center in Ashdod — occupies a space of 1,000 sq
Big Fashion
Торговый центр Ашдода Big Fashion
In addition, you will find a variety of desserts such as: various ice creams, milkshakes, cakes and coffee