سلاطين الدولة العثمانية. عائلة العثمانيون ( سلاطين الدولة العثمانية )

Son of Mehmed I and• Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism Son of Mustafa II and ;• Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Son of Ahmed I and ;• Son of Bayezid I and• Son of Ahmed III and ;• Son of Mustafa III and ;• Proclaimed the that launched the period of reforms and reorganization on 3 November 1839 at the behest of reformist ;• Son of Bayezid II and ;• Deposed in a riot on 19 May 1622;• Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism Disbanded the in consequence of the in 1826;• Accepted the on 18 February 1856;• Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism

on 23 November 1876 and then suspended on 13 February 1878;• Son of Selim II and ;• Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

أهم سلاطين الدولة العثمانية
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism
قائمة السلالة العثمانية
Son of Ibrahim I and ;•
سلاطين الدوله العثمانيه
: Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress
Son of Suleiman I and ;• Son of Osman I and• Son of Ahmed III and ;• "The Ottoman Empire's Place in World History" New York: Oxford University Press US
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Sirkeci: Association of Historical Research and Istanbul Research Centre.

ترتيب سلاطين الدولة العثمانية
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism
اسماء السلاطين العثمانيين حسب التسلسل
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism
قائمة السلالة العثمانية
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Ordered to reside in where he died on 29 August 1904 Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Son of Mahmud II and ;• 1996 [Research completed January 1995] Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Son of Ibrahim I and ;• Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

قائمة السلالة العثمانية
Son of Orhan I and ;• Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism
اسماء السلاطين العثمانيين حسب التسلسل
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism
السلطان عبد الحميد الثاني آخر سلاطين الدولة العثمانية الفعليين
Deposed in an led by ;• Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism