برونو. Brüno (2009)

This supersubstantial principle was the God of whom the Egyptians Hermes and Moses had spoken As for comets, they were indeed, as Aristotle and others held, composed of the same elements as other sublunary things but they were not, as they had concluded, sublunary phenomena peculiar to the air and fire spheres
Though he believed it literally at the time, Sammartino would experience riches first-hand as the longest-reigning WWE Champion and the most beloved competitor in the history of the squared circle La teoria politica di Bruno Leoni, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2005• These objections carried no weight in a heliocentric world

The page numbers in BOL are indicated in the margins of many later editions and translations.

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This impulse to adhere to him—Love on a cosmic scale—ensured that the universe, having gone forth from God his exitus , preserved themselves by their impulse to return to him his reditus
Bruno Leoni
Imerti, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press
Brüno (2009)
[BOI] Opere italiane, 2 volumes, G
Spampanato, Vincenzo, 1933, Documenti della vita di Giordano Bruno, Florence God was a unity or undifferentiated plenitude of Ideas existing in him virtually
It also disproved ancient atomism Accompanying him to the US is Lutz, his former assistant's assistant

The latter, to judge by the demons frequenting the elemental regions of our globe, were generally, but by no means invariably, more intelligent than human beings.

Bruno Sammartino
724—727 had described the super- and sublunary regions as animated from within by spiritus, which Bruno identified in this context with the Universal Soul, and added that they were moved by a Mind diffused throughout their vast mass
Bruno Ganz
Hermes Trismegistus spurious author , 1992, Pimander, in Hermetica
برونو هنريكي لاعب الاتحاد
Philosophy and religion were, so to speak, two parallel paths, suited to different audiences