لصقة ظهر. لصقة الظهر اليابانية, تنبيه : لا تقم بتقليد هذه الحركات على غيرك ولا

4- Monitor the appearance of any allergy on the skin and remove the tape immediately when any skin irritation appears 4- Not recommended for pregnant women especially in the last months of pregnancy
For back, shoulders and joints pain 3- Not suitable for children under 12 years old unless under the supervision of a doctor

2- It can be placed on the body for long periods between 3-5 days.

لصقة الظهر: تعرف على دواعي استخدامها وفوائدها
Treating muscle fatigue and supporting weak areas
تجربتي مع لصقة الظهر للحمل
When can we use the medical back patch?! Contraindications of using the medical back patch! Let me tell you names of the most used analgesics and its harms
كل ما تريد معرفته عن فوائد واضرار لصقات الظهر
Have you ever heard about medical adhesive tape? 1- Wash the pain area then dry it well
Panadol causes an allergic reaction to some people and it appears in the form of skin allergies, ulcers or difficulty breathing and swallowing, and sometimes leads to severe cirrhosis of the liver 5- If you are going to undergo a surgical procedure
2- Remove the tape cover which is present on the medical patch then place it on the place where you feel pain Common types of Medical tapes are

Relieve back pain and muscle tension.

لصقة الظهر : أهم 5 فوائد لها و الطريقة الصحيحة لإستخدامها
4- Suitable for use during exercise
لصقه ظهر. تساعد علي حمل. بمشيئة الله
Medical tape uses:- 1-Stimulating blood circulation and the movement of lymph fluid present in the body which reduces swelling 2- It increases the elasticity of the skin to facilitate movement Adhesive tape has many advantages:- 1- Water-resistance when showered or bathed
لصقة الظهر : أهم 5 فوائد لها و الطريقة الصحيحة لإستخدامها
How to put the medical back patch?
What motivates you to replace analgesics with the medical tape?! Chronic pain may make you want to take analgesics on a daily basis and you may not know the long-term effects of it on your health
Do you know the side effects of taking analgesics regularly!! Medical adhesive tape definition:- It is a medical patch made of cotton and nylon that contains medical ingredients such as analgesics and anti-inflammatory which are absorbed by the skin Sports tape - Medical adhesive tape A lot of people suffer from back pain, shoulders and joints despite the different reasons, many people are looking for practical solutions to relieve those pains

Aspirin causes indigestion and ulcers in the stomach and may lead to stomach bleeding in the long-term.

أسرار لصقة الظهر الحارة لعلاج آلام الجسم المختلفة كيف تخفف أوجاعنا
لصقة الظهر: تعرف على دواعي استخدامها وفوائدها
Ibuprofen is also harmful as it causes diarrhea,dizziness,nausea, stomach infections and high blood pressure
كل ما تريد معرفته عن فوائد واضرار لصقات الظهر
4- And finally, It should be noted that the back adhesive tape should be used under the supervision of a doctor, especially if you suffer from any chronic diseases