I asked him where the place was and he told me where it was located, asked me to have a seat, asked me for my medical papers, contacted the scanning center and didn't leave my side till everything was settled for me When I asked him to let me meet his manager to praise him and tell him how much he helped me and what a dedicated employee he was, he refused and said that he was only doing his job
He finished all the procedures for me and took me to the scanning center himself

luckily, one of the employees offered to help me and this made me content and happy.

مركز أندلسية لصحة الطفل
However, I was in so much pain and I could barely stand so I didn't know where to go or what to do
مستشفيات أندلسية
I insisted to take a picture of his ID to be able to thank him online
مستشفيات أندلسية
I want to thank you Ahmed for being a faithful, honest and dedicated employee


مستشفيات أندلسية
مستشفيات أندلسية
مركز أندلسية لصحة الطفل