To be or not to be. To be, or not to be

Am I what I have it me to be, Or here, waiting, in my reality? HAMLET: To be, or not to be--that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them The following circumlocutory uses of "be" verbs are common in stuffy writing
Over time, partners become frustrated and communication becomes strained Early psychological trauma can also be a significant factor

ASU, Northern Arizona University, University of Arizona, and Grand Canyon University all require students to be immunized from MMR Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.

Understanding SSI
Don't shake hands, don't hug anyone, and definitely don't kiss anyone
To Be or Not To Be?” by Paul Arthur Davenport Coulter
These conditions primarily include certain cancers, adult brain disorders, and a number of rare disorders that affect children
To Be or Not To Be?” by Paul Arthur Davenport Coulter
Kids are often told to give people hugs It's a common tale: An adult relative comes over and a parent tells a child to
Sex can serve as a trigger to bring back painful emotional feelings and memories from the past People do not choose to have dementia
Your health care provider can give you more information As more Americans get , we may be able to go back to hugging, shaking hands and cheek kisses soon

Statistics list 4 to 39% of men have premature ejaculation.

To Be or Not to Be
Unnecessary Uses of “To Be” Even a casual review of your writing can reveal uses of the verb “To be” that are unnecessary and that can be removed to good effect
Who Should not Get Vaccinated
“Who's going to the movies with me? Viagra is also prescribed for many men with early ejaculation
Suicide is Not a Choice: People Who Die by Suicide Do Not Choose to Die
Thus, “She is being a good worker” because she chooses to be so , but we would say “She is not is being an Olympic athlete” because once she becomes an athlete she no longer “wills it”
They feel that they have little to offer in a relationship and to tend to avoid emotional and physical intimacy Hugs, kisses and handshakes may not immediately disappear and they don't have to, but we can be more cognizant of how people want to be treated and respect that, Zaloom says
Is this just for me or for all to screen? In other cases, these early messages may lead to areas of conflict regarding trust and intimate relationships We are just trying to translate them into other languages so that you can easily follow them, some of the works are collected by us from various sources so that we can enjoy it

That "signal" is incessant and overwhelming.

Speech: “To be, or not to be, that is the…
People with minor illnesses, such as a cold, may be vaccinated
Suicide is Not a Choice: People Who Die by Suicide Do Not Choose to Die
Your health care provider can give you more information
COVID pandemic canceled hugs, handshakes. That may not be a bad thing.
Again, the person does not "choose" suicide; the mental illness causes the suicide