مسجد العناني. «العناني» يزور مسجدي «العباسي» و«شبل» ويوجه بالبدء في حفائر «تل مصطاي» بالمنوفية

The jury commended the architect "for the effort to compose formal elements in ways that bespeak the present and at the same time reflect the luminous past of Islamic societies Technologically, this building reflects the architect's extensive research in the methods whereby Egyptian mosques of the traditional high culture were built
Classically Islamic in form, it has been rethought and transformed to serve contemporary purposes The prayer hall itself is at the centre of a composition that includes the mihrab, projecting outward from the eastern wall just below an oculus, an entrance porch covered by a catenary vault and a square-based minaret with an octagonal shaft


جامع حسن عناني
The powerful silhouette of this mosque, one of three set as pavilions along the corniche of Jeddah, facing the Red Sea, proclaims to all the presence of Islam
Al Anani Masjid مسجد العناني
The entire structure is of brick coated with plaster except for the dome interior in which the bricks are exposed and painted a dark bronze colour


Al Anani Masjid مسجد العناني
مسجد العناني
«العناني» يزور مسجدي «العباسي» و«شبل» ويوجه بالبدء في حفائر «تل مصطاي» بالمنوفية