الاعضاء في القدم. كم عدد الأعضاء في جسم الإنسان؟

Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation Renal transplantation: Edited by Robert A , EBMT Meeting, France, March 2007 C
Budiani-Saberi, Da; Delmonico, Fl 2008 , "Organ trafficking and transplant tourism: a commentary on the global realities Alexander GC, Sehgal AR 1998

Hu W, Lu J, Zhang L; et al.

Foot drop treatment tendon transfer
خريطة الجسم في باطن القدم
Overview of lower extremity peripheral nerve syndromes
الأضرار التي تُصيبُ الأعصابَ في القدم
18 3 Suppl 2 : 5—9
Gruessner, Rainer; Benedetti, Enrico 2008 Berkeley: University of California Press
Whetstine L, Streat S, Darwin M, Crippen D Frohn C, Fricke L, Puchta JC, Kirchner H 2001

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

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علاج التهاب الأوتار في القدم: دليلك الشامل
Ross LF, Rubin DT, Siegler M, Josephson MA, Thistlethwaite JR, Woodle ES 1997
Hastings Center Report 35 3 :14—15 "Organ Solicitation on the Internet: Every Man for Himself? Organ Solicitation on the Internet: Every Man for Himself? Medizinische, ethische, rechtliche und theologische Aspekte der Organverpflanzung
Transplantation Medicine and Personal Identity

Horisberger B, Jeannet M, De Weck A, Frei PC, Grob P, Thiel G 1970.

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