شعر وبري. لانوغو

Arnold Henry Savage Landor 1970 Middle phalangeal hair distribution in Serbian high school students
Erratum: Curr Biol 2004, 14:2309

Kung San and Kavango men from Namibia.

ازالة شعر الوجه بالليزر وخطواتها وتكلفتها
1973 , Some genetic traits in Solomon Island populations IV
1922 , The distribution of body hair in white subjects
ازالة شعر الوجه بالليزر وخطواتها وتكلفتها
1993 , Sex hormone levels and body hair growth in! The Races of Man and Their Geographical Distribution
A study on low resolution androgenic hair patterns for criminal and victim identification A preliminary report on a full-body imaging system for effectively collecting and processing biometric traits of prisoners
The Loss of Functional Body Hair in Man: the Influence of Thermal Environment, Body Form and Bipedality In Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management CIBIM , 2014 IEEE Symposium on pp

1994 , Androgens and human hair growth.

تعليمات إزالة الشعر بالليزر
Human nakedness: adaptation against ectoparasites? Taylor, Sarah K June 18, 2009
ما هو الشعر الوبري
Retrieved January 21, 2017, from
ازالة شعر الوجه بالليزر وخطواتها وتكلفتها
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security, 9 4 , 666—680