عدد سكان دول الخليج. حل الوحدة الرابعة اجتماعيات للصف السادس الفصل الثاني

Excluding the 14 and 3 shown separately 90 1,030,000 24 36,575,000 2015 5 34,803,500 8
07 1,146,000 23 38,435,252 2015 4 39,339,753 9 Excluding the and City of , Ukraine's administrative areas on the which are disputed with and de facto administered by Russia

It excludes If it was included, the September 2014 census would result in 33,848,242 inhabitants and its mid-2015 would give some 34,198,000 inhab.

لغز تراجع عدد سكان دول الخليج
45 557,000 29 21,377,000 December 31, 2011 9 15,181,925 3
لن تصدّقوا من يسكن دول الخليج العربي!
13 70,000 47 5,298,152 July 10, 2020 14 4,780,978 1
لن تصدّقوا من يسكن دول الخليج العربي!
Administration is split between and the , both of which claim the entire territory
44 751,000 29 31,521,418 2015 7 28,915,284 6 29 87,000 16 2,412,483 October 31, 2015 19 1,400,000 0
It considers itself to be an independent state, but this is recognised by 75 183,000 26 9,500,000 2015 13 6,931,061 0

However includes all territory in the region where there are ongoing insurgencies by separatist forces.

قائمة الدول العربية حسب عدد السكان
De facto independent, de jure part of
قائمة البلدان والتبعيات حسب عدد السكان
07 808,000 34 40,400,000 January 1, 2016 3 40,875,455 9
دول الخليج الأعلى عالميا في النمو السكاني
The census figure refers to , excluding its of and , the former of which returned to Chinese sovereignty on 1 July 1997 and the latter on 20 December 1999