السفر قطعة من العذاب. الدرر السنية

That is because a traveler is usually worried, does not eat or drink his normal food and drink as in ordinary times, and likewise is the sleep 'Torment' here is the pain resulting from hardship involved in riding, walking and leaving behind one's habitual lifestyle
When one of you has achieved his purpose from his journey, let him hasten back to his family "It prevents you from sleeping, eating and drinking", i

It prevents you from eating, drinking and sleeping.

الدرر السنية
السفر قطعة من العذاب « مفاهيم يجب أن تصحح
So, if this is the case, then one should return to comfortable life, to his family and country, so that he could look after his family, discipline them and so on
باب: السفر قطعة من العذاب
travel hinders one from enjoying the pleasures of life perfectly due to the hardship, toil, suffering from heat and cold, fear, separation from family and friends, and rough living conditions
Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him reported that the Prophet may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him said: "Travel is a portion of torment


شرح حديث السفر قطعة من العذاب، يمنع أحدكم طعامه وشرابه ونومه، فإذا قضى أحدكم نَهْمَتَهُ من سفره، فليُعَجِّلْ إلى أهله
معاني حديث الرسول عن السفر قطعة من العذاب ودلالاتها
شرح وترجمة حديث: السفر قطعة من العذاب