روفيناك جل. ديكلوفيناك: الاستخدامات والمحاذير

tendovaginitis, shoulder-hand syn- drome, bursitis osteo- arthritis of the spine and peripheral joints, periarthropathy
Photo- sensitivity reactions have been observed in few cases

- Inflammation of the ligaments, tendons, muscles and joints due to trauma e.

روفيناك جل ( ROFENAC )
ROFENAC GEL Antirheumatic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic COMPOSITION Each gram contains 10mg Diclofenac Sodium in a cooling gel base that is well tolerated by the skin INDICATIONS For the local treatment of: - Localized rheumatic diseases e
ديكلوفيناك: الاستخدامات والمحاذير
CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity to Diclo- fenac, acetyl salicylic acid, and other non steroidol anti-inflammatory agents
روفيناك جل لتخفيف ألام المفاصل والعظام
SIDE EFFECTS ROFENAC GEL is generally well tolerated, skin rash, erythema, pruritis or stinging may occasionally occur
DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ROFENAC GEL is to be applied to the painful area 3 - 4 times daily and rubbed in gently - Localized forms of soft tissue rheumatism e


ديكلوفيناك: الاستخدامات والمحاذير
جل روفيناك / Rufenac Gel in اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ
إشترى روفيناك جل