محافظ الوجه. لمحة عن المصرف المركزي

Consumer Protection Consumer Protection Department works to protect consumers from financial misconduct through education, policy-making, and compliance monitoring and tracking of complaints resolution Research and Statistics The Research and Statistics Department supports CBUAE and government policy-making by publishing reports based on research and analysis, and by maintaining relationships with international organizations that provide input for policy-making
Banking Supervision The Banking Supervision Department is responsible for regulating the UAE banking sector through licensing financial institutions, issuing effective policy and regulations, surveillance to ensure compliance by regulated entities, and enforcement in case of non-compliance

Reserve Management The Reserve Management Department is responsible for the management of CBUAE reserves as defined by the Reserve Management Policy and the asset allocation approved by the Board of Directors.

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The Department forms macroprudential policy and applies macroprudential tools to reduce systemic risks to the financial system
لمحة عن المصرف المركزي
Financial Intelligence The Financial Intelligence Department oversees the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information to combat money laundering, illicit organisation financing and the financing of terrorism to protect the UAE financial system from abuse by criminals and terrorist financiers and counter reputational risks
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Financial Stability The Financial Stability Department maintains and promotes financial stability in the financial system, by identifying and monitoring potential, current and future risks


لمحة عن المصرف المركزي
تفاصيل النظام
محافظ القاهرة : الرئيس وجه بتشجيع الشباب على ريادة الأعمال والعمل الحر..فيديو وصور


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