معلومات عن القهوه. تحميص حبوب القهوة

"The Place of Coffee in Trade with Latin America" 2 September 2000 : 11—12
Reduce cancer rates, prevent cancer cells from growing and spread Woodhouse and others 1991 , , Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Issue 2, Folder 39, Page 160-164

Alessandra Lafranconi, Agnieszka Micek, Fabio Galvano and others 9-11-2017 , , Nutrients, Issue 11, Folder 9, Page 1223.

أنواع القهوة وأهم فوائدها الصحية
2 May 2000 : 225—266
أنواع القهوة وأهم فوائدها الصحية
"Coffee and Indigenous Labor in Guatemala"
14 معلومة مذهلة عن القهوة • زد
" International Trade Forum no
William Harrison Ukers, All About Coffee :2 Atanasov, AG; Dzyakanchuk, AA; Schweizer, RA; Nashev, LG; Maurer, EM; Odermatt, A 2006
Prevents absorption of the iron element in the blood, and therefore the person who drinks it continuously may be exposed to a decrease in the proportion of iron in his blood 40 9 : 1243—55 1245, 1249

Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World.

برزنتيشن عن القهوة بالانجليزي
"Fairtrade is not fair," YouTube Video, 09:33, Why Fair Trade is Bad on December 01, 2009, posted by "Peter Griffiths," October 5, 2017
معلومات قد لا تعرفها عن القهوة
"The Place of Coffee in Trade with Latin America
درجات طحن القهوة بالارقام
"Coffee and its consumption: benefits and risks"