حب قلبي بالانجليزي. كلمات حب بالانجليزي اروع الكلمات التي تصف شعور الحب مع ترجمتها

You are my one and only love My number one goal in life is to make you happy
I must make you my wife• Sometimes observing your beauty makes me absolutely speechless Love is the compass of life

I feel like a princess when I am with you.

اسماء رومانسية للزوج في الجوال بالانجليزي مترجمة 2021
You are the perfect dream of my life• I feel as giddy thinking about you as I did the first day we met
اسماء حب بالانجليزي وترجمتها بالعربي للحبيب
You have no idea how much my heart races when I see you
جمل عن الحب بالانجليزي
Just had to let you know loving you is the best thing that happened to me
The most precious possession that ever I miss the place where we sat and talked till dawn
Some people search their whole lives to find what I found in you• There is no worse than love dying and we practice all forms of recovery Love is safe and confident feeling with some one where you can be your nature with him

You are the only person in the world who fulfills me.

كلمات حب بالانجليزي اروع الكلمات التي تصف شعور الحب مع ترجمتها
I did not fall in love but I walked at him steadily, I am not in love but I stand in love, I want you with my full consciousness
قلبي أنت
you are the only reason to make my life fine
اسماء حب بالانجليزي وترجمتها بالعربي للحبيب
I love you and will always be by your side