اضرار التدخين. ما هي أضرار التدخين

"The high costs of smoking" Lagrue G, Lebargy F, Cormier A 2001
Doherty EW, Doherty WJ 1998 "Nicotine use in schizophrenia: the self medication hypotheses"

Kumari V, Postma P 2005.

اضرار التدخين على الصحة
"Prevalence of smoking among psychiatric outpatients"
ما هي أضرار التدخين
The New England Journal of Medicine
اضرار التدخين والمخدرات
"Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease: An analysis controlling for tobacco industry affiliation"
"Smoking and mental health — a review of the literature" PDF
"Smoking, nicotine and Parkinson's disease" "Smoking as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease: contrasting evidence from a systematic review of case-control and cohort studies"

"Objectively assessed secondhand smoke exposure and mental health in adults: cross-sectional and prospective evidence from the Scottish Health Survey".

أضرار التدخين على المجتمع
Doll Richard, Bradford Hilly A June 26, 1954
"The Economic Costs of Smoking in the United States and the Benefits of Comprehensive Tobacco Legislation"
أخطار التدخين وأضراره: إليك اهمها!
"Does tobacco use cause psychosis? Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD
"Smoking and carcinoma of the lung James I of England, A Counterblaste to Tobacco• Greaves, Lorraine 2002 High Culture: Reflections on Addiction and Modernity
By the American Society for Reproductive Medicine ASRM "Smoking and Parkinson's disease: systematic review of prospective studies"

Retrieved on Jan 4, 2009• The American Journal of Psychiatry.

اضرار التدخين والمخدرات
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
أضرار التدخين على المجتمع
23 2 Suppl : 39S—42S
اضرار التدخين .. 7 مخاطر قاتلة لا تعرفها عن التدخين
African Smoking and Pipes, The Journal of African History, Vol