كلمات جعل السحاب. اللاويين

Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia Commission of the European Communities 2004-10-20
uses N-arms it will get the same response' "Dawn: the Internet Edition" November 10, 2001• Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs March 21, 2006 Berkeley, CA: University of California Press

The New Terrorism: Anatomy, Trends, and Counter-Strategies.

General Intelligence and Security Service
Wright indirectly quotes one of the documents, based on an exhibit from the "Tareek Osama" document presented in
Korean Foreign Ministry August 14, 2007
"Islamic rebels gain in the Sahara" Businesses are run from below, with the council only being consulted on new proposals and collecting funds
Ministry for Foreign Affairs Sweden March — June 2006 Hamid Miir 'Osama claims he has nukes: If U


"The Emergence of the New Terrorism"
تنظيم القاعدة
Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press
تنظيم القاعدة
, PBS, July 13, 2005