الدكتور عبدالله الثنيان. من هو عبدالله الثنيان ويكيبيديا 2019

Respondent or member validation - a process whereby researchers provide the people on whom they have conducted research with an account of their findings
respondent validation may occasion defensive reactions and even censorship on the part of research participants researchers provide each research participant with an account of what they have said to the researcher in interviews and conversations or of observations of participants in observational studies

it is highly questionable whether research participants can validate a researcher's analysis, since this entails inferences being made for an audience of social science peers.

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شفط الدهون عند عبدالله الثنيان
the researcher feeds back to a group or an organization their impressions and findings in relation to that group or organization
من هو عبدالله الثنيان ويكيبيديا 2019
How to test or maximise the validity as a result the reliability of a qualitative study? It is important to test and demonstrate credibility of the study for both qualitative and quantitative studies
Validity applicability in qualitative research is an issue! 5 - reliability and validity of qualitative research Dr Entails using more than one method or source of data in the study of social phenomena


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الدكتور عبدالله الثنيان