تمور السلطان. النخيل في عمان

He was the son of a tribal leader
Timur first united under his leadership the Turko-Mongol tribes located in the basins of the two rivers He was from a Mongol tribe, Barlos

Timur spent his early military career in subduing his rivals in what is now Turkistan; by 1369 he firmly controlled the entire area from his capital at Samarkand.

موسم جني التمور ينتشل عراقيات من الفقر
Henri, Bontemps, Yves Portier 2012
موسم جني التمور ينتشل عراقيات من الفقر
"", , Online Academic Edition, 2007
La Vie et la cour de Tamerlan
There were mongol tribes used to live in the area where his father was a leader He is also called Timur Leng [Timur the lame]

Some historians claim that he was the descendant of Jenghiz Khan.

سعيد بن تيمور
"Central Asia, history of ", in , Online Edition, 2007
سعيد بن تيمور
Tamerlan - l'empire du Seigneur de Fer
سعيد بن تيمور