اختبار ذكاء. اختبار أنواع الذكاء المتعددة

Philadelphia, PA: National Council on Measurement in Education Some of the implications are that: 1
Boston MA : Houghton Mifflin Quickly assess the intellectual ability of adults in institutional settings, such as prisons, group homes, rehabilitation clinics, or mental health centers


نسبة الذكاء
; Perloff, Robert; ; Urbina, Susana 1996
اختبار أنواع الذكاء المتعددة
Independently established norms based on a national standardization sample selected to match U
اختبار أنواع الذكاء المتعددة
1 Major Examples of Current Intelligence Tests• Wade; Brody, Nathan; Ceci, Stephen J
Approximately two-thirds of all scores lie between 85 and 115 where 'average' intelligence, that is the median level of performance on an intelligence test, receives a score of 100, and other scores are assigned so that the scores are distributed normally about 100, with a standard deviation of 15
Improved Crystallized Verbal Scale, though administered in English, correct responses in other languages also get credit The narrow definition of IQ is a score on an intelligence test

Attractive, easy-to-use materials: new, full-color items designed to appeal to children and reluctant examinees.

اختبار ذكاء 2020 (نسخة تحدي معرض الثقافة)
where 'average' intelligence, that is the median level of performance on an intelligence test, receives a score of 100, and other scores are assigned so that the scores are distributed normally about 100, with a standard deviation of 15
نسبة الذكاء
Approximately two-thirds of all scores lie between 85 and 115
اختبار ذكاء مجاني (IQ test). اختبار الذكاء الأكثر شعبية على الإنترنت.
Completion time: Approximately 20 minutes Professionals depend on the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test K-BIT to measure both verbal and nonverbal ability