معز مسعود. زواج الداعية المصري معز مسعود من الفنانة حلا شيحة يثير جدلا في مصر

Council of Europe [ ] Masoud also attended the Council of Europe's first , and spoke at its key event, alongside Nobel Laureates and other personalities
Deborah Young 12 May 2016 The show was named "Khutuwat Al-Shaytan" Satan's steps , which was predicted to be an exceptional success and therefore was requested by many channels to broadcast

However, he soon discovers that her brother and father are police members of the Ministry of the Interior, and whilst Malik increasingly feels uneasy with the organisation he is conflicted about leaving.

الداعية معز مسعود.. ٣ زيجات مثيرة للجدل آخرها شيري عادل
His speech addressed various issues regarding the role of the media in a globalised context
من هم زوجات معز مسعود ويكيبيديا السيرة الذاتية
In December 2016 Masoud gave the keynote address at the annual United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Dialogue in Geneva
معز مسعود وحلا شيحة: تعرفوا على فارق السن بينهما قبل زواجهما
Garrett Nada 11 December 2012
He addressed the current situation of refugees, focusing on root causes of ideological-based conflict based on his widely circulated academic journal article, "An Analysis of Abu Mus'ab al-Suri's "Call to Global Islamic Resistance", and offered insights into what the global community could do to help Scott, "Global and Local Televangelism" ed
After the Egyptian revolution, Masoud participated in the first post-revolution Egyptian National Dialogue see below and has since become a key player in the social, political and economic reformation of Egypt It also aired on , a post-revolution popular Egyptian satellite channel, and as a radio segment on , Cairo's no

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

من هم زوجات معز مسعود ويكيبيديا السيرة الذاتية
Carolynne Wheeler 23 February 2008
كيف تعيش حلا شيحة مع معز مسعود بعد إعلان ابتعادها عن التمثيل؟
The series addressed poignant and largely taboo issues facing the Muslim world, including drugs, alcohol, gender relations, homosexuality and the roots of terrorism
كيف تعيش حلا شيحة مع معز مسعود بعد إعلان ابتعادها عن التمثيل؟
from the original on 28 December 2019
Jay Weissberg 12 May 2016 Social Media [ ] Moez Masoud is active on various social media networks, including Facebook and Twitter, where he has over twelve million followers online
He highlighted the importance of youth and children and the specific issues they face, particularly refugees, and proposed various radical solutions to engage and deal with these challenges Masoud also holds a non collegiate degree from the , and

International Events [ ] Masoud is regularly invited to give lectures and lead workshops and his travels have taken him from all over the United States, Canada and Europe to Malaysia and Australia, attracting substantial coverage by both Western and Arab media.

شيري وحلا.. سر غرام الداعية معز مسعود بالزواج من الفنانات
On 8 February 2021 Masoud has officially announced his marriage to the well-known actress
معز داعية شديد الإقناع وكله بما يرضي الله (صور)
He shared panels with many of the world's leading scientists, religious leaders, philanthropists and youth activists, among others
معز مسعود يبرر تصريحات حلا شيحة ويدعمها بعد رد تامر حسني تشغلي بالك بما
Open Letter to Baghdadi [ ] In September 2014, Masoud, alongside other Muslim scholars, was one of the initial 100 signatories of the