من هو الصديق. أبو الريحان البيروني

MacKenzie, Encyclopaedia Iranica, "CHORASMIA iii
was one of the greatest scholars of mediaeval Islam, and certainly the most original and profound Richard Frye: "The contribution of Iranians to Islamic mathematics is overwhelming

5: The Saljuq and Mongol Periods, Cambridge University Press: 1-202.

أبو الريحان البيروني
He is known as al-Ustdadh, 'the Master'
أجمل ما قيل في الصديق
"Al-biruni and the Political History of India"
أبو الريحان البيروني
18: "A Persian by birth, a rationalist in disposition, this contemporary of Avicenna and Alhazen not only studied history, philosophy, and geography in depth, but wrote one of the most comprehensive Muslim astronomical treatises, the Qanun Al-Masu'di
Excerpt: "Chorasmian, the original Iranian language of Chorasmia, is attested at two stages of its development A Chronology of Islamic History : 570 - 1000 CE
Journal for the History of Astronomy Lindberg, Science in the Middle Ages, , p

Massignon, "Al-Biruni et la valuer internationale de la science arabe" in Al-Biruni Commemoration Volume, Calcutta, 1951.

من هو يائير لابيد الذي يطمح لإقصاء نتانياهو؟
in Encyclopaedia of Islam Bearman, P
بلا حدود مع د. جبريل .. بقلم: د. إبراهيم الصديق على
Excerpt from page 7:"The Iranian scholar al-BIruni says that the Khwarazmian era began when the region was first settled and cultivated, this date being placed in the early 13th-century BC "• The phenomena of statics were studied by using the dynamic approach so that two trends — statics and dynamics — turned out to be inter-related within a single science, mechanics
وزير الأوقاف يصلي الجمعة في المرسي أبو العباس ويفتتح معسكر أبو بكر الصديق
Robarts — University of Toronto