ما هو النظام البيئي. تدفق الطاقة (النظام البيئي): التعريف ، العملية والأمثلة (مع الرسم البياني)

"Fluctuations in the Abundance of a Species considered Mathematically" "Comparative mass-balanced trophic models to assess the impact of environmental management measures in a tropical reservoir ecosystem"
The Elements of Physical Biology "Characterizing trophic interactions of a catfish dominated tropical reservoir ecosystem to assess the effects of management practices"

Gillman, Michael; Hails, Rosemary 1997.

ما هي خدمات النظام البيئي؟
النظام الإيكولوجي
"Assessment of impacts of invasive fishes on the food web structure and ecosystem properties of a tropical reservoir in India"
ما هي خدمات النظام البيئي؟
Arditi, Roger; Ginzburg, Lev R
"Modelling the food web for assessment of the impact of stock supplementation in a reservoir ecosystem in India" "Coupling in predator-prey dynamics: Ratio-Dependence"
"Multiple Optima in Hoabinhian flaked stone artefact palaeoeconomics and palaeoecology at two archaeological sites in Northwest Thailand" Entomology, ecology and agriculture: the making of scientific careers in North America, 1885-1985

"Ecopath with Ecosim: Methods, capabilities and limitations".

مكونات النظام البيئي
"Comparative mass-balanced trophic models to assess the impact of environmental management measures in a tropical reservoir ecosystem"
تدفق الطاقة (النظام البيئي): التعريف ، العملية والأمثلة (مع الرسم البياني)
Soetaert, Karline; Herman, Peter M
ما هو النظام البيئي؟
Ecology: Individuals, Populations and Communities