الدولة الفاطمية. مؤسس الدولة الفاطمية

[Department of Defense], Department of the Army Brief History of Transfer of the Sacred Head of Husain ibn Ali, From Damascus to Ashkelon to Qahera By: Qazi Dr
[ ] There were exceptions to this general attitude of tolerance, however, most notably by , though this has been highly debated, with Al-Hakim's reputation among medieval Muslim historians conflated with his role in the After about 1070, the Fatimid hold on the coast and parts of Syria was challenged first by invasions, then the , so that Fatimid territory shrank until it consisted only of Egypt


Blank, Jonah 15 April 2001
مؤسس الدولة الفاطمية
Dynasty [ ] Main article:• In 1084, Al-Mustansir had Arwa designated a hujjah a holy, pious lady , the highest rank in the Yemeni
[ ] The Fatimids focused their military on the defence of the empire as threats presented, which they were able to repel
The new regime regarded its presence in Ifriqiya as only temporary: the real target was , the capital of the Fatimids' Abbasid rivals
[Department of Defense], Department of the Army The Fatimids were acknowledged as the rightful imams by different communities, but also in many other Muslim lands, including and the adjacent regions

With the succession of , the faced a mass persecution, which included a large massacres against the in , , and other cities.

الدولة الفاطمية
In 948, they shifted their capital to , near
كتب الدولة الفاطمية فى مصر جيهان ممدوح مأمون Www 5 site
960—1279 , eventually determined the economic course of Egypt during the
قيام الدولة الفاطمية في المغرب
Asian and African Studies, Volume 22