هل القمر كوكب. هل القمر كوكب والدة نجم

Tony Phillips 16 March 2011 For etymology, see Barnhart, Robert K
"Possible long-term decline in impact rates: 2 The Clementine Atlas of the Moon

"Volatile content of lunar volcanic glasses and the presence of water in the Moon's interior".

هل القمر كوكب؟
Coulter, Dauna 18 March 2010
كم يبعد القمر عن الأرض
"Lunar laser ranging: a continuing legacy of the Apollo program"
لماذا لا يُعَدُّ القمرُ كوكبًا؟
Tucson, Arizona: Sterling Publishing Co
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Lunar impact-melt data regarding impact history"
41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

Planetary Science Research Discoveries, Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology.

هل القمر كوكب والدة نجم
Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand
لماذا لا توجد حياة على القمر؟
International Institute of Space Law
كم يبعد القمر عن الأرض
Marshack, Alexander 1991 : The Roots of Civilization, Colonial Hill, Mount Kisco, NY
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs "Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth's formation"
Planetary Science and Research Discoveries International Institute of Space Law

Conference Paper, 28th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

"Chapter 5, Appendix J: Impact Upon Lunar Atmosphere"
هل القمر كوكب ام نجم
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry
هل القمر كوكب والدة نجم
"Understanding the lunar surface and space-Moon interactions"