اثقل صلاة على المنافقين. أثقل صلاة على المنافقين

Collected by Bukhari and Muslim Amongst the benefits of the Hadeeth: There are two categories of hypocrisy:• It is upon him to take all the necessary arrangements that would aid him in attending the congregation; such as setting an alarm clock, sleeping early, and not staying up late without a legislated benefit, and Allah is the granter of success I wanted to order for the prayer to be established, then order someone to lead the prayer, then go with a few men carrying firewood to the homes of those who do not attend the congregation and burn down their homes
This type of hypocrisy does not remove one from Islam, nor does it necessitate an eternity in the Hellfire It is that a person is a believer from within, but acts with some of the actions of hypocrites, such as slightly showing off with actions, lying, treachery, betrayal and transgression during disputes

This type of hypocrisy removes a person from Islam, necessitates an eternity in the Hellfire, as well as nullifies all the actions of the person in question.

درجة حديث أثقل الصلاة على المنافقين.. وحديث صفوان بن المعطل مع امرأته
So it is an obligation upon the Muslim to maintain the prayer in congregation, and strive against himself so as not to miss the prayer, and to overcome the desire of sleep and comfort, and prefer the reward that is with Allah the Majestic over it
أثقل الصلاة على المنافقين صلاة العشاء وصلاة الفجر
It does not nullify all the actions of a person, Riyaa Showing off only nullifies the actions that it mixes with, and a person who shows off with their good deeds is in grave danger, and it is upon this person to repent to Allah and forsake the actions of the hypocrites
لماذا كانت العشاء والفجر أثقل الصلاة على المنافق
These will have the most severe punishment on the day of resurrection; Allah the Elevated said: Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire• From within, this person is a Jew, a Christian, an idolator or an atheist for example , but outwardly displays Islam and proclaims to be a Muslim, and even joins the Muslims in some of their acts of worship Firstly: Minor Hypocrisy; also known as Action Hypocrisy the hypocrisy related to actions


أثقل صلاة على المنافقين
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اثقل صلاة على المنافقين