دوبامين كافيه. دوبامين

"Age-related decline of dopamine synthesis in the living human brain measured by positron emission tomography with L-[beta-11C]DOPA" 36 Suppl 3 Suppl 3 : S181—90
"The genetics and evo-devo of butterfly wing patterns" "Methylphenidate and its isomers: their role in the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder using a transdermal delivery system"

A critique of psychiatric drug treatment.

الدوبامين: ما هو، كيف يؤثر علينا وكيف نزيده؟
"The vascular effects of trace amines and amphetamines"
الفرق بين السيروتونين والدوبامين الفرق بين 2021
"Evolutionary considerations of neurotransmitters in microbial, plant, and animal cells"
"Pharmacological treatment of Parkinson disease: a review"
Mobbs CV, Hof PR 2009 "Evidence for the existence of monoamine-containing neurons in the central nervous system
Merims D, Giladi N 2008 "Clinical differentiation of parkinsonian syndromes: prognostic and therapeutic relevance"

Demonstration of monoamines in the cell bodies of brain stem neurons".

كيفية زيادة هرمون الدوبامين في الجسم
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
الفرق بين السيروتونين والدوبامين الفرق بين 2021
هرمون الدوبامين .. تعرف أكثر على هرمون السعادة!
"Carlsson and the discovery of dopamine"