الدكتور سعيد القحطاني. كلمات مؤثرة في رثاء سعيد بن وهف القحطاني

Role: Presenter of Essay Exams Paper Role: Participant with a Sponsored Paper by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Education and Training in Saudi Arabia
Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Volume 13, 2006, Beltsville, MD: International Graphics 2014 — Coordination between executive and strategic leaders in public originations, in Leadership in Public Organization in Saudi Arabia Conference, institute of Public Administration, Riyadh

Role: Session Chair of Rethinking the Future of Organizations and Discussant of Papers on Global Marketing Strategies.

مصادر المعرفة في الإسلام والعلاقة بينها
The Role of Educational Institutions and Media in Developing the Sense of Loyalty and Citizenship, Citizenship Forum in the Eastern Province Emirate, January 2006
الدكتور محمد سعيد القحطاني
Global Competitiveness Issues: Involvement of Employees and Their Personal Characteristics in Saudi Construction Companies
تعرف على القصة الحقيقية التي حدثت مع الدكتور سعيد القحطاني
Riyadh Economic Forum, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 6-8 October 2003
American Society for Competitiveness Conference in Los Angeles, California 9-13 Oct A Working Paper Presented in the GCC Industrialists 10th Conference in Kuwait, December 3-4, 2005
Role: Session Chair and Editor of Papers on Entrepreneurship Process Organized by the Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting GOIC

2015 — Level of trust between citizens and public services organizations in Saudi Arabia, in IIAS conference in Rio De jenaro, Brazil.

اللواء حسين سعيد القحطاني — استقبل أمير منطقة تبوك، الأمير فهد
The Impact of Sophisticated Formal Strategic Plans on the Performance of Saudi Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises SMMEs
الشيخ سعيد القحطاني في ذمة الله.. هكذا نعى مشاهير تويتر صاحب «حصن المسلم»
If you do not find what you're looking for, you can use more accurate words
الدكتور محمد سعيد القحطاني
Internet-Based Marketing Communication and the Performance of Saudi Businesses
011 4678125 - 011 4695828 International Journal of Services and Standards, 2005, 1 4 : 482-493
Measuring Service Quality at King Fahd International Airport

011 4678125 - 011 4695828-011 4678125 - 011 469582• Role: Paper Presenter and Keynote Speaker.

د.سعيد بن ناصر القحطانى .Saeed Nassir Algahtani, Ph.D
International Journal of Business Research, 2007, 7 6 : 19-27
الشيخ سعيد القحطاني في ذمة الله.. هكذا نعى مشاهير تويتر صاحب «حصن المسلم»
Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah First Investment Meeting in May 18, 2004 Keynote Speaker on the investment environment in Al-Madinah
د.محمد بن سعيد القحطاني
Academy of Management Conference in Seattle, Washington 1-6 August, 2003