Percussion is helpful to diagnose the causes of a protuberant abdomen | National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases |
Percussion may be helpful when is suspected although palpation may provide more useful information | The two maneuvers for this include Percussion of the Traube's space and the Castell's method |
Lastly, percussion is helpful to detect the cause of a protuberant abdomen.
17Tenderness on percussion is abnormal and can indicate peritoneal inflammation | Please recommend JoVE to your librarian |
After abdominal area, percuss the lower anterior chest, above the costal margins | On the left, one should hear tympany over the gastric air bubble and the splenic flexure of the colon |
Explain the procedure to the patient• Then, ask the patient to roll on their side and repeat the percussion starting from the top and make a second mark when the tympanic sound changes to dull.
Following the liver span measurement, percuss to detect splenomegaly | The auditory response to tapping depends on the ease with which the body wall vibrates, and is influenced by underlying organs, strength of the stroke, and the state of the body wall |
As you percuss, watch the patient's face for any signs of discomfort |
Normally, the percussion tone is tympanic on both inspiration and expiration.