معنى النرجسية. أعراض اضطرابات الشخص النرجسي وكيفية علاجه

: The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism 2003• : American Psychiatric Association; 2013 Editor Note, Sigmund Freud, On Metapsychology PFL 11 p
Francis Bacon, The Essays Penguin 1985 p

, William Shakespeare: The Complete Sonnets and Poems Oxford 2002 p.

تاريخ النرجسية
Quoted in Simon Crompton, All about Me London 2007 p
معنى كلمة نرجسي
"Measuring Narcissism with a Single Question? Narcissism: Denial of the True Self
ما معنى النرجسية
An Extension and Replication of the Single-Item Narcissism Scale"
Millon, Theodore, Personality Disorders in Modern Life, 2004• : American Psychiatric Publishing; 2014 Treatment of narcissistic personality disorder
Why Is It Always About You? Narcissistic personality disorder: Diagnostic and clinical challenges In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5

Angela Richards, "Editor's Note", Sigmund Freud, On Metapsychology PFL 110 pp.

معنى النَّرجسية واضطراب الشخصية النرجسية
, Narcissism: A New Theory London 1990 p
معنى كلمة نرجسي
Charles Baudelaire, The Painter of Modern Life Penguin p
ما معنى النرجسية في علم النفس ؟
In: The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry