مافيه مثلك ولو غيرك تمناني. Stream يهزّك الشوق by ماجد المهندس

You have also wrote the translation wrongly, each line has to be right next to the line of the song so when people see the translation can know the meaning of a specific line
Correct me if I'm wrong, but "You will long if" doesn't sound as proper English to my non-native ears I hope you fix that as well! Kona Al kw Tracks and playlists liked by GH by published on 2020-07-08T06:00:04Z by published on 2021-03-06T19:01:49Z by published on 2021-03-16T21:34:53Z by published on 2020-12-27T05:29:15Z by published on 2019-02-02T06:16:23Z by published on 2020-09-17T15:13:01Z by published on 2021-02-10T09:47:54Z by published on 2017-11-02T19:44:21Z by published on 2021-03-04T03:05:04Z

" If you search for "you will long if", you will find only one result other than the one above.

كلمات اغنيه تعال ماجد المهندس كلمات
As so is "you will long for something": "You will call and I will answer you; you will long for the creature your hands have made
يهزك الشوق
And so does this title
كلمات اغنية تعال ابي اعرف وش كثر مشتاق ماجد المهندس مكتوبة كاملة


كلمات اغنية تعال ابي اعرف وش كثر مشتاق ماجد المهندس مكتوبة كاملة
Majid Al Mohandis
كلمات اغنيه تعال ماجد المهندس كلمات