نبات العشر. مواصفات وفوائد نبات العشر

It is an attractive plant for natural garden themes, in rock or steppe gardens, and as a specimen making a silhouette against a wall or in group planting The Felt Plant can tolerate high salinity and requires no irrigation once established
The flowers are grey on the outside and purple on the inside, in clustered axillary inflorescences With its bold foliage, the leaves are light silver-green on top and velvety underneath; they are large, fleshy and ovate

It is indigenous in Saudi Arabia, but is also native to southeast Asia and tropical Africa.

نبات العشر ... له فوائد ومميزات لا مثيل لها
procera plays an important role in improving soil fertility, and also improves the water-retaining capacity of soil
عشار باسق
These unusual attributes make the shrub valuable for landscape design
فوائد نبتة العشر
The shrub has a tap root and it grows very well in sandy or silty desert conditions
The fact that it is poisonous eye and skin contact should be avoided means that it is not often planted ornamentally The shrub can grow to between 3 and 5 metres high, and about the same width
It can be used in both open desert and urban areas

Maintenance measures are necessary from time to time to improve its appearance.

Riyadh Plants
procera can be propagated by seed or cuttings
The Calotropis or Felt Plant is known in Arabic as ashar
نبات العشر معلومات وصور
Bark, roots, leaves and flowers have long been used as remedies for numerous illnesses
The impressive fruit is a large capsule, which opens to release dark seeds with silky hairs for distribution by the wind procera is an interesting plant and wrongly maligned


فوائد نبات العشر , استخدامات نبات العشر الطبية , العلاج بنبات العشر , اهمية نبات العش
Riyadh Plants